Sep 11, 2008

SYRIA: U.S. Policy post 911 has increased terrorism.

Reuters just came out with this report regarding a few statements made by the foriegn minister of Syria, Walid al-Moualem.
"As we said to President Bush shortly after the tragic events on September 11, the fight against terrorism must begin at the roots, at the cause of terrorism," al-Moualem told a news conference in Rome, where he was meeting Italy's foreign minister.
Naturally, from the point of view of the OS 0 1 2, this is just common sense. It's also an objective statement, capable of being verified. Terrorism is nothing more than a result of win lose foreign policy and it's predictable inside such strategy. Is it a matter of time before our politicians can see that the only way to resolve such chaos is via Win Win Foreign policy?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What you seem to miss is that win-lose policy is *profitable* for those running the show.

Before we can have a win-win approach, we need to make it PAY for those in charge. World peace, butterflies, and happy bunnies is not sufficient payment in their minds. What they like is *money* and *power* and win-lose policy delivers both.

How do you propose to make win-win policy equally profitable for those in charge? Until we can do that, I wouldn't expect them to be too interested in making a change.