Oct 21, 2008

World Peace for Hookers and Players. The Natural Dialectic of Win Win

Surely the intention to win plays a role in nature. We see two male bulls fight for dominance, we see both males and females compete for mating choices. Every point of view in nature wants and needs to win in the game of life. We can all agree and see that we all want to win, and no matter the ideology which inflicts anyone, no matter how sophisticated or crude, the individual's desire to win and attain is mutually shared amongst all of us from entrepreneur to gangster, to banker to political crook. Yes, even us bloggers want to win a higher Google ranking.

There appears to be three basic winning 'scripts' that encompass the perception and strategy in full.

1.)I want to win - you will lose. The Emperor Complex.

2.)I will lose so that you can win. The Messiah Complex.

3.)We can both win/attain this together. The rational alternative.

'Winning' can be understood as an historically functioning desire and uber design in human nature/society, as Princeton Scholar, Science and Philosophy Journalist and bloggingheads.tv founder Robert Wright points out in his book; Non Zero, the Logic of Human Destiny. link.

Natural selection, evolutionary psychology and intelligent strategy can be potentially understood as two polarized and coupled distinctions of 'winning' that we seem to seek/desire as players in the game of life. A dialectic if you will.

Both are grounded in our direct experience as human beings engaged in the human hiSTORY.

One can be chosen by chance or fate to win, as if one can win the lottery, or born beautiful into a wealthy and famous lifestyle like Paris Hilton.

The other can be determined by ourselves as individuals. Michael Phelps is now the biggest Olympic winner in history. He did that, he made that happen through self determination.

Both Paris Hilton and Michael Phelps, in a material/superficial but easy to understand sense, can both be said to be 'winning' yet the road to their win is completely distinguished by what I refer to as the ‘Chosen One’ and the ‘Victorious One’ strategy, or the two distinctions of the dialectic of winning.

Obviously, The ‘Chosen One’ winning experience is the type of satisfaction that we have when we are deemed appropriate for a certain game, function, prize, or task. Fate or chance chooses/picks us! We love being the chosen. We want to be chosen. Many are called but few are chosen. We all hear about the ‘elite’ and certainly want to get in at those parties.

The next distinction, ‘The Victorious One’, is clearly the type of winning we seek when we have obstacles to over come on our road to success. We win only when we overcome those obstacles and achieve our ideals. Intention. The victorious WILL. Attainment. Accomplishment. The realization of ideals worked and fought for. No one chose this path for us, we created it for ourselves. Friggin' Rocky Balboa.

Consider; Human fighting may be the game of winning to be the victorious one, and mating may be the game of winning the chosen one. Notice the dialectic here? The complete opposition in points of view? These distinctive qualities of this dialectical game and strategy may quietly organize, and most certainly influence, all of human civilization.

The Secret Chief of human society may be nothing more than The Mating Game.

Getting back to the most foundational basics for survival. We literally viral market our DNA into the future via the mating game. As we can see, no mating would equal no people, therefore, this strategy is clearly the most effective of all, there always seems to be more and more of us. The sexual and mating game of life divides, adds, and multiplies the herd and then organizes, distinguishes between male and female, and all the possible roles and adaptions form from there.

Consider that this successful strategy utilized by nature is an organizing principle that has exalted into an ‘all sides win’ synergy that has evolved into perfect and precise application and function in human being's social order as Romantic Games between intelligent and humorous adults seeking thrill, survival, and adaptation in the game of life.

Step one in the game; two partners have ‘chosen’ each other.

This process may be different for distinct cultures, but the main process I am referring to here has existed in every culture. A man and a women desire each other and then mate, sometimes like rabbits.

We don’t have to be aware that nature is using this very 'administrative' process to move the species forward for a woman to get pregnant when she mates with a man. Indeed, according to our anthropologists, there was a time in human history when man and woman did not know that sex equaled baby. Some of us still may not quite get that.

Just because our genes want to make little duplications does not mean we experience a laboratory reality when we kiss on the first encounter or spoon up for an early morning snog. What we experience is quit different and more direct to our individual and cellular needs.

To wit; Human Being wants to mate for the winning experience it brings, not necessarily the little package that comes with it. One could immediately argue that this is the first observable win win non zero sum game between our 'genes' and our sentience or experience in being.

What happens that we can observe at the moment of conception? A beautiful and natural dialectic.

The sperm's strategy is ALL FOR ONE. The egg's strategy is ONE FOR ALL.

At the moment of male ejaculation, the entire gaming principles of nature begins orchestration in perfect and beautiful concert, the millions of sperm cells joyously released into the womb of the wanting female.

Talk about mission impossible. The sperm cells must take on the most perilous of journeys, they must fight upstream, bend through twists and turns, avoiding chemical attacks, killer cells, dodge the ‘fighting’ sperm cells that band in packs and vicious gangs. If anyone has ever seen any footage of this process, they can see that it is a wonder how any woman could get pregnant at all.

The small collection of ‘victorious sperm’, out of the 4 million, have won the journey to the inner secret chamber. Our little Indiana Joneses have just barely made it through the Temple of Doom.

They finally collect around the beautiful and luscious egg invoking relative to us as the most incredible desire imaginable beholden on a single object. Talk about the search for the Holy Grail, the egg is something indeed that many where called for but few were chosen.

The luscious vibrating egg collects her victorious ones around her. All the fighting, conflict and struggle of sperm VS sperm on the road to her riches, all the fighting to deliver to the female the best set of genes, the *best idea* for the future species, are rendered irrelevant at the whims of the egg.

The egg tends to choose one single solitary sperm out of the frantic crowd that surrounds her luscious walls like the outside line at Studio 54 in 1976.

It is the female egg’s 'wisdom' that chooses in this process. Women’s natural right of choice. Feminine 'wisdom' choosing the best course of evolution, the best idea for future species. And she gets to choose from a refined selection of the best ideas that the male collects and fights to bring to her.

We can see in nature how males fight to deliver to the female the best, most effective functioning genetic idea for future species.

King against King, two ideas 'fighting' to refine the truth, the individual and the society is a foundation of nature that she seduces us all into playing, before we were even born we were playing it.

Conflict and winning keeps the species moving forward. Nature may have designed human being to want to win, and want to win big.

Humanity has now discovered nature's principles of synergy, the non zero sum win win road of evolutionary success, and our individual intention and experience of winning has everything to do with it.

We all want to win or attain something, right? Michael Phelps may want to win and win big - even the solitary, humble, and non ego event driven monk wants to attain peace and transcendence. We can define win however we want but we all have intention and a will to attain that intention.

Let's embrace the win win game to survival and success as a rational strategy.

In society or the societal conflict of idea, we expect to have our idea about winning challenged by our opponents so our idea of winning is the most expansive and rational, honest one for any and all, individually and collectively.

Winning is nature’s seduction, and win/win is humanity’s rational and logical complement, the only successful way we can administer ourselves effectively and efficiently.

Win/win is nature’s synergy, and she want us to play - she may be leaving clues for us everywhere.

Win/win is the only effective way that we can survive as a species, create opportunity, solve problems, and mate and partner up.

It is easy to see that the game performed between the sexes is based on win/win experience of sexual and sensual pleasure, and all sexuality is best expressed when both partners are giving and receiving the coveted and desired shared experience of mysterious erotic experience that administers all life.

Win/win is the funniest, sexiest, most effective, rational, inspired, holiest, strongest, most opportune way to live life.

Human Being's success as a reproductive species is our proof!

Can humanity discover this natural administrative synergy on non zero sum and zero sum and apply it to create Win Win Foreign Policy instead of the failing and misery producing 'War on Terrorism'?

The war on terrorism will consistently increase terrorist acts around the world like mating will consistently increase babies. The world body is engaged in a simple conflict of idea with political forces, and instead of focusing on the ideas in conflict, they are increasing the problem, spreading the false and misleading win/lose meme of physical warfare as a solution to the complexity of human being social administration.

Due to online communication, our natural dialectic has changed, and potentially we can structure the conflict of idea into a win win game of mutual learning and success. We can do this because we don't have to know each other or even face each other to exchange radically different points of view. We can work out our differences in a more rational environment for discussion, which is what the Internet provides us. Wikipedia gives us a preview of this process as Jewcy.com pointed out a few years ago with their article on Wiki Wars.

It turns out that geeky Palestinian and Israeli wiki editors were able to come to build shared narratives of emotionally charged historical events and were able to come to agreement for the sake of a simple wiki entry. Both Israeli's and Palestinians were able to WIN those discussions.

Win Win renders the old world Machiavellian win lose strategies harmless and ineffective. There is nothing stronger than win/win. All sides contribute strength, all sides receive the collective strength in return.

In the game of life, the female always wants the best idea, and the male fights to give it to her.

Win. World. Peace. Globe.Win.

(Multiply this idea)

Oct 17, 2008

Say it ain't so, Joe. An example of a deceptive society and it's repercussions.

How much does deception rule and mis-organize society? And by deception, I mean all forms of lying, from the little white lies that we tell to avoid the hurt feelings of a boy/girlfriend to the misconceptions we present on job applications, to just huge deceptive and manipulative whoppers such as the story of Stephan Glass, former reporter for the New Republic that was fired for fabricating stories. Who can forget the lies told leading up to the invasion of Iraq in 2003?

One of my own personal and shocking awakenings that arose from realizing how much BS rules society occurred a few years back. I had my own Stephan Glass in my life 5 or 6 years ago, and it was a very difficult and painful thing to unravel the many layers of deceit and deception that came from someone so close to me. I looked around me at the time in a house of collapsed cards and saw an honest truth - humanity is always lying, and so was I.

Deception in all forms is simply a quite common strategy we use in communication to avoid unpleasantness or curry favor from rivals or superiors. We do it so often, I would wager a year's salary that we are completely unconscious of it the majority of the time.

Consider, however, that we tend to be very very trusting regardless. We actually accept the truth values of polls, politicians, job applicants, and pillow talk and often accept it at face value. What this may actually suggest is alarming, for our entire paradigms and world views may be comprised of information that is bullshit.

Consider the most recent case of Joe the Plumber. Whoppers all. His real name isn't Joe, he isn't a licensed plumber, he isn't an everyman, he is a Republican whose own father in law is the son of Charles Keating. Yet in one interview that he gave with Barack Obama, the entire country immediately accepted his story and implemented it into the heart of it's world view. Joe the Plumber became proof that the economic policies of each candidate were favorable, yet Joe might as well have been an actor playing a part in a movie. His 'truth' values were then recommunicated at the national level to millions when both Barack Obama and John McCain repeated his 'story' during the debate. These two candidates were then also lying by default.

Our individual and collective worldviews, our paradigms, might overwhelmingly be comprised of complete and utter bullshit. Is it a wonder that society cannot properly organize itself effeciently? How can we understand what the hell is going on when all of us, at a very small level, are constantly telling ourselves and others that false information, or mysterious information, is actually true?

I predict that this may go pretty far down the rabbit hole, much further than we are aware of and if we saw the actuality of it, it would shock us. Consider that each of us is a point of view, and society is a collection of points of view that contains a few over-arching paradigms that is simply the collection of the most agreeable 'truths' being communicated amongst each point. If each point is sharing a certain degree of false information believed to be true, then logic tells us that the paradigm itself will reflect this.

Humanity may be living in a bubble comprised of our own delusion, and we seem shocked that reality isn't turning out how we had hoped. Consider, in 2004- 2006, as the non evidence of WMD in Iraq became painfully clear, and as the current collapse of Wall Street becomes evident, everyone is shocked that as a whole, nobody was predicting that such things would occur or happen.

Gee, I wonder why?

Oct 16, 2008

Journ the Human Union

Worldwide Human Union;
seeking for off-sets and accounting
errs in past-politicos bedroom closets

Everyone can journ the Human Union, digital
0/1 internet chirps and surprise the old
ca-hoons and dino-gangsters with high-dias
and infinite soluables.

Human Union unites Mr. and Missus, and
looks after all street kidz wanting homeful.

Human Union releases holy convicts and
sends them to college, three strikes and you're in.

www.dontwearneckties, they cut your
circulation, no bras for boobs, and hard-shoes
squeek the feet
[human union article three]

Human Union plots peaceful ambush, hide in
the hills and wait for the psionic boom.

Human Union supports all that is moonful,
reveals noon-secrets and resets the codes.

Journ the Human Union, developed by kQQl
kids worldwide and supported by Nay-cha

*Read below in small print:

*[if ur interested in joining the Human Union,
you've come to the right place]

©Rome Viharo 2008

Oct 12, 2008

Is there optimism on Wall Street right now? YES

From the New York Times

In 1999, technology companies with no earnings or sales were valued at billions of dollars. But this time was different, investors told themselves. The Internet could not be missed at any price.

They were wrong. In 2000 and 2001 technology stocks plunged, erasing trillions of dollars in wealth.

Now investors have again convinced themselves that this time is different, that the credit crisis will push economies worldwide into the deepest recession since the Depression. Fear runs even deeper today than greed did a decade ago.

But in their panic, investors are ignoring 60 years of history. Since the Depression, governments have become far more aggressive about intervening when credit markets seize up or economies struggle. And those interventions have generally succeeded. The recessions since World War II, while hardly easy, have been far less painful than the Depression.


Is the world economic crisis a prelude to using the WORLD GAME? Hopefully.

The World Game was an idea proposed by Buckminster Fuller. The idea was to "make the world work for 100% of humanity in the shortest possible time through spontaneous cooperation without ecological damage or disadvantage to anyone."

When Buckminster Fuller introduced the 'WORLD GAME' in the 70's, it was looked at as Utopian, naive, and a bit far fetched. For example, one of the things that Bucky felt was needed to really implement the World Game at a effective level was everyone having access to 'interactive television sets' that could relay information around the world. Of course now, we just call that the Internet and most of us can't live without it.

As we leap into these times of extreme uncertainty, it's good to point out a few optimistic yet realistic ideas that we can use to navigate through the building chaos. Although we have never faced an worldwide economic crisis like this before, we also have never had the Internet before and the ability to collective problem solve and network.

Many of the world's leaders are now meeting to work together to solve this crisis. Link. Now, I know, many of us are skeptical about such meetings, however, I think this potentially could be a ray of hope.

Consider; Bucky's World Game was based entirely on 'synergy'. We can understand 'synergy' as 'all sides contribute, all sides receiving the collective output of all contributing', or even more simpler as win - win foreign policy. Bucky felt that if world leaders could play a game where the goal was to help solve each other's problems, that such a strategy could out compete 'War Games' for effectiveness.

So imagine if France had to worry about resolving the financial problems of the UK, and the UK had to worry about the financial problems of Russia, ad infinitum. What would such a strategy accomplish? Well, for one thing it would create an objective outside observer and problem solver for a countries' problems where solutions are often hampered down by internal politics. Now all of these leaders are meeting somewhere and trying to work together to solve the problem, which is a good start.

Naturally, however, we can do better. So why are we waiting for the global leaders to do this, and why are they doing this offline? Why not open the entire world wide economic problem up online so the collective contributions of intelligent and aware global citizens can participate in solving, and resolving, each other's problems?

Think about it, how archaic is the current approach considering our new digital millennium? Why would the G7 or G20 leaders need to travel to Switzerland to resolve the crisis over a series of formal dinners and speeches? Why not just have an online discussion forum and everyone can stay put, save time, and increase problem solving effectiveness? Why not open up each and every idea presented to solve the crisis to a collective that can deconstruct each idea, research and game it's effectiveness for rationality?

So, here is a ray of hope. This may be the first global crisis that could really get countries working together and exploring new options for problem solving. In the desperate attempt to find reasonable solutions that must produce win win economic outcomes, at some point someone will consider the option of allowing social networking collective intelligence into the equation, and booyah - we could potentially resolve these problems in a very short amount of time.

Although I gloss over quickly such solutions and problems in this essay, I don't think that such a scenario is too far fetched or outlandish to suggest. And this idea, like all ideas, can spread and take root in our Internet society, planting the seeds online that will eventually reach the appropriate leaders who would consider such options.

As dire as it may sound, the very ray of hope is that for the first time, the entire world is in an mutually undeniable crisis together, and the solutions lay inside the problem. Personally, I think this may be be best opportunity we have ever had to suggest and implement Bucky's World Game. And we can all immediately begin playing the World Game by talking about the World Game online in our blogs, emails, social networks, and discussion forums and insist we all begin to use it. Immediately. As in now and why the hell not?

US Climate fix could HELP solve financial crisis.

From New Scientist

If the US focused on curbing climate change as soon as a new president took office – or sooner – it could help pull the world from the financial brink, according to environmental policy experts.

"Skyrocketing energy prices and the financial crisis have been a wake-up call that something's got to change," says Cathy Zoi, chief executive officer of the Alliance for Climate Protection, which is chaired by former US vice president Al Gore.

"My very strong belief is that we need to reorient our investments toward this transition to a clean energy economy, and it will be the engine of growth for getting us out of the doldrums that we've gotten in right now," says Zoi.

The reorientation must include limits on emissions of climate-warming carbon in the US, she said: "Unless we take action at home, we're not going to be able to have much influence in the international arena about what gets done." Link.

Oct 8, 2008

If you think some Americans talk nuts, wait to you read what the Russians are saying.

The Global Dialectic and the internet. One of the great things about Youtube is finding what other people in the world are paying attention to. I found this video at the top of the Russian Youtube Video charts. It's called "Russian War Machines; Strength, Glory, and Pride!". Make sure you read the comments to the video which will give you a much clearer idea to the quality of idea floating around in Russia these days.

Oct 1, 2008

From uncertainty into certainty. Embracing the mystery of these extraordinary times.

In my personal life, I awake every day this month very unsure if my business will exist in just a few short weeks. Being a father to a three year old child and having to provide financial security for another human being, that certainly creates plenty of uncertainty and at times anxiety.

In addition, I turn on CNN or surf through Digg, Reddit, and the Huffington Post, searching out articles, opinions, and blogs on our current state of affairs with the election, economy, and the war. There are wars, and rumors of more wars, end of the world scenarios, talks of the second great depression, and all sorts of apocalyptic end of the world ideas that are being fed to us virally via online news sources.

It is very slowly dawning on civilization at this time that mystery, or uncertainty, unknown, or what ever you wish to call this third truth value, is a very real yet very uncomfortable notion to be comfortable with.

Recently I took a stroll over to Reality Sandwich blog, and found a blog posting regarding the now infamous Oct.14th, 2008 UFO landing meme. In case, dear reader, you are unfamiliar, a massive internet meme is flying around that on the fourteenth of Oct, which is just about 12 days away from this writing, a massive UFO will appear somewhere in the Southern Hemisphere, and remain for three days. This dates stands out in my mind mainly because it happens to be my birthday.

This information is purported to come from The Galactic Federation of Light, who oversee earth's evolution, according to the 'channelers' who publish this information.

Naturally I think open minded people, like myself, need to treat such information with a very high degree of skepticism. So I voiced mine and playfully entered some skeptical information in the comment section on the blog, almost to spite the author a bit. Another community member there, however, left the most appropriate comment...
"Terence McKenna suggested that cognitive uncertainty is the closest the mind can get to an open state of being. In this light, I welcome reports like Blossom Goodchild's re: 10-14-08 as benign possibilities that I cannot pretend to know one way or another as to whether it will occur, or, if it does, how to interpret the precise nature of. ".
How could I forget that! It was the exact 'meme' that I needed to hear in that moment, reflecting a higher attitude not just with the Oct 14th prediction, but with the whole lot of fearful ideas floating around the internet these days regarding our economic future. My truer agnostic nature awakened again.

One of the things I have learned very much over the years in developing and understanding OS 0 1 2, which is a discussion framework for higher awareness and understanding, is the relationships between the false idea and the mysterious idea, or the very human reaction to encountering mystery and producing false ideas about it in it's presence.

When we encounter mystery, our mind has no option but to create a false idea about it. Since there is no certainty to the truth value laying behind the mystery, there is no other certain truth value that we can lay upon the mystery other than falseness or simply our own ideas about it. If done well, this should take the form of very high art, or even religious or holy texts.

If we think in terms of bivalency, which is this or that duality, right or wrong type thinking, we can only consider the Mystery in terms of true or false, thus not including 1/3 of all information in our environment.

I play off of this when I had a 6 month long discussion with the James Randi crowd a few years back on his bbs. I pointed out that they were making very critical errors in their 'critical thinking', for they were encountering and dealing with unknown information and treating it logically as if it were false, as opposed to the believers who were encountering unknown information and treating it as if it were true, either way was irrational. This was easily summarized in the discussion as...

Believer's argument: The Mystery = TRUE. (0=1)
Denier's argument: The Mystery = FALSE. (0=2)
The agnostic or third value argument: The Mystery = Mystery. (0=0)

Mystery is just mystery, it's unknown, we don't know for certain what it is, it is logically and rationally impossible. And when we wish to be a critical thinking rational, and inspired human being, we need to use language that reflects this certainty so we can stay consistent and not freak out in the face of the unknown.

If we freak out in the face of the unknown, then we miss the inspiration that mystery naturally delivers to the open and rational/honest mind, which is the exact 'juice' the mind needs to find the truth and opportunity that all mysteries bring.

Regardless of what anyone out there says, what will happen to the US economy, who will win the election, and what will happen on Oct 14th, all of these ideas share one very important thing in common, mystery. Now that is what we can be certain about. We can be absolute certain that there is uncertainty regarding our immediate future as a civilization in fall of 08, and if we use any other language to express our experience that does not include the third value of both true and false at once, or unknown, then we can be certain that we are producing false ideas in the face of the mystery.

We can be both certain and uncertain at once. We are that sort of transcending paradox of being. Socrates with his "I know that I do not know". It is a quality of knowing when we do know as opposed to when we don't. Do we delude ourselves with our false ideas about knowing? How can I be certain that the economy will be collapse or not? Perhaps the UFO on the 14th of Oct will turn out to be nothing more than the full moon or the Reptillians, but how would I know that? I can have certainty with the knowing that that the word at the end of this statement is the word this. Yet that is because it confirms both my existence and it's existence in one elegant swoop, yet we do not have the luxury with the future, and must be humble in it's presence.

I write this entry mainly as a reminder for myself, to be present enough in the face of the unknown to find the opportunity that lay in front of our eyes as the mystery and the false ideas about it swirl around us.
As a species, humanity's lesson at this place and time may be nothing more than learning how to deal with mystery. The Oct 14th meme of a great UFO landing may be nothing more than our own unconscious need to find collective truth with uncertainty. After all, the only thing we can say about a UFO truthfully is that it is a mysterious object that we all can agree is mystery.